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Saturday: Day 2 -- Bring the Pain

Elaine has asked me to update the blog since she is heavily medicated. Well, the nerve block wore off late last night, and Elaine was experiencing lots of pain. Ever since we left the hospital on Thursday evening, we have been keeping up with her meds (Percocet 5/325 and Ibuprofen 600), and up until late last night, all she was feeling was some mild discomfort and a little bit of tingling. But then she started feeling some pain, gradually at first, and then it intensified with a vengeance. A few times she said it was worse than! I held her hand, rubbed her arm, anything to try to comfort her, but she just had to go through it. After a few hours of this intensity, the Percocet took the edge off a little, and then she was able a fall asleep...for about 3 hours and then BOOM, the pain was back. After a few minutes of this, I decided to give her the next dose of meds about 30 mins early. It took a while for the pain to subside but then she was able to go back to sleep again.
